Individuals wishing to honor a loved one during the celebration of Mass - for the living or the deceased or for prayerful remembrance of anniversaries, birthdays, and other special intentions appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist - may request one of our assigned parish priests to offer a Mass Intention.
Occasions may also include:
World Mission Sunday
Respect Life Sunday
Catechetical Sunday
World Day for Consecrated Life
World Day of Peace
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Mail your intention and donation of the faithful (check payable to Historic St. Boniface Catholic Church | St. Meinrad Catholic Church) to the address below. The suggested donation is $10 per Mass. Please note: A check for Mass intentions cannot include any other funds, such as a gift to the parish.
Custodian of Mass Intentions
Parish Office
Saint Meinrad, IN 47577-0008
Mass Intentions are scheduled as close to the date requested as possible. Please be aware that it can take up to 60 days for a Mass to be offered for your particular intention. To give an opportunity for all parishioners to schedule a Mass intention for their loved ones and to accommodate recently deceased individuals, the online Mass Intention Book is open for 12 months according to the liturgical calendar, from the First Sunday of Advent until the Feast of Christ the King. Mass intentions can be scheduled up to one year in advance.