“How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?”
- Psalm 116:12
Each year we ask each member of parish family prayerfully to reflect and re-evaluate their financial stewardship and commit a portion of their financial gift toward covering the costs of the ongoing mission and ministries of their parish, St. Boniface Parish and St. Meinrad Parish in Spencer County in Indiana respectfully.
Giving a portion of financial resources is part of stewardship living. It is a powerful way of showing we truly believe that all we possess has been given to us by our God. Some advocate sacrificial giving as a way to ensure we return a portion of our wealth to the Lord. While sacrificial giving doesn’t entail a specific amount, it does mean we make God our top priority.
Renew your Stewardship Gift or Setup your Gift Online here. Donate in the Parish Support Section.
If you want help setting up an online giving account, please email finance@myparishfamily.church or call the Parish Office at 812-357-5533.
In our own lives, we each have bills to pay and deadlines by which they are due. There is the mortgage payment, bills for electric service, water and sewer, natural and LP gas, internet service, mobile phone, cable television, garbage collection, repairs and maintenance, lawn maintenance, and much more. For most of our families, these costs are generated by the occupancy of our home by two, three, four, or perhaps even seven or eight family members. Imagine if your monthly bills were generated by usage of the home by hundreds of people each week.
The dollar amounts of the bills your parish incurs to do this are not imaginary but very real. These bills are paid through the generosity of our parish's members, principally through their Sunday and Holy Day Stewardship Offerings at Mass. It is our duty as good Christian stewards to adopt a plan for being a good steward of our treasure and taking care of our spiritual family, our parish family, our spiritual home, with the same urgency we care for our immediate family.
To adopt a practice of sacrificial giving, follow these steps:
First, agree to return to the Lord in gratitude a portion of everything He has given you. Add a line to your household budget for God, and give of your first fruit, not just what is left over.
Second, your return to the Lord must have a certain bite to it; sacrificial giving means making a sacrifice. The cost of a movie for four with popcorn and drinks can be upward of 40 dollars or more. Often this is more than a parishioner donates to their parish monthly.
Third, get specific about the size of your gift. Planning for it on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis will allow you to take from your first fruits and not wait to the last minute when your financial resources may be less plentiful.
If you are at least 70½ years old, consider making a tax-free gift to your parish or other qualified 501(c)(3) organizations by taking advantage of a qualified certified distribution (QCD). As you plan to purchase gifts for your loved one this Christmas, check with your financial advisor about making a QCD gift to your parish annually at the end of the calendar year.
A safe and secure way to accomplish this is to sign up for online giving at your parish for your Sunday and Holy Day Stewardship. Like other things that you pay monthly online, it comes out first, and by doing this, you can easily plan for the debiting of your gift from your account.
Stewardship, quite simply, is recognizing that everything we have and is a gift from God and being grateful and generous with those gifts.
We aren’t “owners” of anything; we are mere “stewards” of the gifts that God has given us.
Stewardship isn’t a process, a campaign or an accounting of our gifts. Instead, it is a lifestyle rooted in gratitude and generosity.
The whole point of stewardship is to help each other strengthen our relationship with God and get to Heaven!
The foundation of stewardship is prayer – talking and listening to God every day, throughout the day.
Stewardship means putting complete trust in God in all things.
Stewardship means sharing all of our gifts, especially the ones that means the most to you.
Sharing our gifts helps us keep God first in everything, from putting other “gods” before God. It helps us live “God-centered” lives and not “self-centered” lives.
Of all the gifts God gives us, the one he wants the most is our heart. He wants us to share out of love, not out of obligation.
When we align our thoughts and actions with God’s plan and use our gifts in the way God intended, our lives become transformed with the gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love.