St. Boniface Parish and St. Meinrad Parish invite parishioners, friends, and neighbors to remember and honor their loved ones by purchasing a Christmas Poinsettia that will be used to decorate the church during the Christmas Season.
Anyone interested in remembering or honoring a loved one at Christmas with a memorial gift of poinsettias may place the person's name to be remembered, along with a donation, in an envelope marked "Christmas Flower Offering" and place it in the collection basket.
An envelope for the Christmas Poinsettia Memorials and Honor Roll is included in the November envelope packet. Please make sure your check is made payable to the parish church, clearly marking in the memo Christmas Flower Offering (4040.100). If you use online giving, use the Quick Links to make a one-time or recurring gift using debit cards, credit cards, or eChecks (ACH). The deadline is Monday, December 2, 2024.
Loved ones' name(s) will be printed on a beautiful placard, displayed in the church throughout the Christmas Season, listed in the Christmas Poinsettia Memorials and Honor Roll on the website, and printed in an upcoming edition of the weekly bulletin.
To update a listing received for the honor roll, please complete the text box below and select the submit button.
The honor roll name field is for a full legal name as it appears on legal, government-issued documents. We welcome nicknames. Please enter a nickname in the "Preferred Name" field. The program will automatically populate the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields based on the information you entered as you enroll a loved one. First, middle, maiden (when applicable), and last names are required.
Some honor roll designees still need middle names, maiden names, and nicknames. Remember to add a (+) before the name of each deceased designee. A designee listed as "In Memory" has died; a living designee is listed as "In Honor." No listing of family names is permitted.